29/4/2020: Well it's been a while but better late than never right! And I've gotten older since the last time I wrote too! I turned 30 yesterday. Heh.  I can't believe it honestly.... I don't even wanna know what 40 is gonna look like for me. :P I thought my 20s were gonna be glamorous buttttt ahhh no.... they were not... So I am not going to put any big hopes for my 30s... lol... Anyways it was a nice day because my Mom made it really special for me. <3

Well Ginji passed away at the old age of 24 on the 20th.  Good long life for Ginji! I still have my clear purple Tama on the Angel screen and I'm debating if I want to hatch it again or choose one of my other many P1's.  I miss having Ginji around... I've become more attached to him lately and love him almost even more than Mimitchi. :) I have had so many Ginji Tamas throughout the years, whereas I had the one Tama that I always got Mimitchi on.... I had to put poor Mimitchi Tama into retirement since his buttons don't work anymore.  My friend Jordan and I were discussing button issues earlier this evening and it's something that seems all to common with Tamas.

I restarted my white/blue German Tama P2 the other day and got Kusatchi AGAIN.  I took the best care possible of him once he became the unheatlhy teen in hopes I would get Hashizotchi for my adult, but nope I got Kusatchi.  It's okay though because I really do love that little plant boy. :)

I got Minotchi on my Morino Tama which I was not surprised about at all.  My Morino did that weird thing where it cocooned twice -- the first time re-emerging as Imotchi again, and then cocooned again a day later and emerged as Minotchi.  The girls on the Tama Facebook page told me I could get the smoker dude if I got his weight down, but I got lazy. :P

I've had some Yasashii Tamas change and pass away.   I've raised a total of 9 Yasashii Tamas so far and of those 9 I've gotten 5 Pantarotchi's.  I realllyyyyy hope I get the other adult characters at some point, and in order to do that I really need to get the healthy teen who I've never had before.  I restarted my yellow Yasashii earlier this evening and I'm going to try again.  I will hatch the blue Yasashii sometime soon as well.... probably once my yellow one changes into the teen stage. :) I really do love the Yasashii tho.   This pandemic has given me the time I need to dedicate to these big Tamas, seeing how I rarely go outside the house anymore, except for a little drive over to Matt's place to see Binks here and there. Matt brings Binks out to the car for me and I give him cuddles.  I miss Binks so much, and my little Hamster Mae...

Anyways I have a total of 3 live Tamas to care for at the time being and will most likely hatch more after the weekend.  I know Jordan wants to hatch a P1 with me and I want to hatch the other Yasashii as well.  :)

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