17/4/2018: As of tonight I feel as though I am 17 again. I can't say enough how amazing a year of my life that was.... I can't desrcibe the feeling of bliss that I feel right now, and I fear it may not last long.... But tonight at 11:11PM I feel pure bliss. And I never want to forget this night. I didn't do anything outrageous today. I just kept plans with a friend and stuck to my morals. That is all I need to say, the fact that today was less than ordinary, yet absolutely fabulous.  I wasn't feeling it at the beginning of today - in fact I felt quite uneasy.  But I always feel that way before I have to go and do something out of routine.  Trying new things is going to be my goal .... I am about to be 28 soon.

Ginji on the clear green P1 is the only Tama to venture out in the wild world this week with me. He has been very good during the work days. :) He is around 21 or 22 now due to pausing, I don't know exactly his age... But the amount of days is accurate. I couldn't think of a better Tam to have by my side - aside from Mimitchi Tama that is. ;-)

Can this feeling last forever....? Like forever ever?  I feel so at ease and calm right now that I don't think I have ever felt this good.... IN a really long time. I Just had to write about it. :)

I plan to keep updating these blogs even if I don't have anything to talk about in the way of Tamas. I am 210 Tamagotchi blogs in now since 2015 so why give up now. :)

It's 11:18 now so only a quick update tonight. I hope my bliss carries over to tomorrow because this is just too wonderful.

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