21/03/2018: It's hard to believe we are already over half way through March month. The vacation schedule is being prepared at work so it won't be long now before I get some well needed time off. :) I am hoping to take my first week off during the first of June month.

My Tamas have been a very constant presence throughout the past week. I still have two trainees at work, plus the part time students to assist. I think things will slowly keep getting easier and more enjoyable.

Changes since I last wrote: Morino Tamaghotch - I now have a 31mg Imotchi aged 3 years (I've been pausing this one while at work).  Then we have Ginji Angel (age 13) - no changes there since I last wrote, cept his a bit more needy. I pause him some too.  Mimitchi (white/blue) is getting up in age and dropping hearts more frequently, and as of tonight got sick at the age of 19. I don't anticipate him making it past his regular 22 years as he is the one Tama I've not been pausing at all. Thing with Mimitchi is he is a trooper of a Tama, and he really don't get needy until later in life.

My final change is that of my red & yellow German Tama whom I had the unhealthy teen. I ended up with Nyrotchi yesterday!!!! I haven't gotten this guy in ages! Missed that little snakey. :) I love all the P1 Tamas and Nyrotchi is not one who has appeared often in my Tama history list. I will make the most of the time he has here.

Work is good but it's tiring... I am going to try yet again to get to bed early tonight. Maybe a good nights sleep will ensure an even more fabulous Thursday? I want to end my blog with this post I just found on Facebook:

Jeremy Bennett
March 19 at 7:40am
The average person thinks approximately 60 000 thoughts a day. For those who suffer with severe stress or anxiety not only are most of these thoughts the same thoughts they had yesterday, most of these thoughts are dwelling on something bad in the past or fearing something that could happen in the future. This type of thinking is constantly putting the body into what’s known as the ‘fight or flight’ response (anxiety). This fight or flight response should only ever happen when you are in some kind of danger.

Finding true peace comes from calming your mind. There is an inner peace that lives within us all. We catch a glimpse of that peace when something catches our eye and makes us surrender all our thoughts for even a fleeting moment. For that moment we feel at ease, bliss and pure peace.

That moment of peace was created by you and didn’t take any special achievement. Feeling this brief moment of joy should convince you that you are capable of experiencing this peace on a regular basis.

You are so much stronger than you believe. You are powerful beyond words.
Trust in yourself to find that peace. Keep searching deep within yourself to achieve the life you have always wanted. It’s waiting for you. Never give up.

Have the most incredible day my friends.

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