16/3/2018: It's amazing how one week can go from being horrible to excellent. Really it has been a hard and trying week, but today was suchhh a good day, and it's Friday and St. Paddy's day weekend. :) We all wore green at the office and drew names for prizes, had pizza for lunch, and on top of all that still managed to help the students and do my own work at the same time.  Oh yes, and cared for 3 Tamas. :)

I'll start off first by saying I lost Ginji on my red German Tama at the age of 24 or 25 yesterday. Definitely my oldest living Ginji to date. (At least he is still with me in spirit as Ginji Angel :) ...)  I ended up restarting that Tama again last night when I got home from work. I love my German Tamas, and I am excited to say I have that green/yellow German P2 coming.  I got my eyes on a clear pink with yellow buttons 1997 P1 German Tama on eBay right now... But I decided I gotta be good until next pay check. ;) I really hope I come accross more soon because they are just gorgeous, and there is just something so satisfying about opening up the blister packaging on the European versions.

So like I said, I restarted my red P1 Tama and am with Marutchi at present time. Funny enough I have decided to neglect this time and should end up with the beaked teen, Kutchitamatchi by tomorrow. Marutchi was sick a little while ago so I know he will change soon.

And then that brings us to tonight when Mimitchi on my white/blue German P2 got sick. He is 15 years old and only in the beginning stages of old age. Still very easy to care for as one would expect at that age. :)  I also took Mori off pause just a few minutes ago and he is still thriving as Minotchi at age 9. If I didn't pause him so much he would of passed long ago.

Short blog tonight. It's just a little after 11PM but I really should try and get to bed early.  But I am really not sure if that's gonna happen.... Because I just bought the first season of Absolutely Fabulous on iTunes. My Tamas are in for a fun watch. :D

UpDate: At just 11:15 as I was about to upload this blog, I went to get some water, and when I came back into the room I heard a beep I had never heard before. It was the frog mauling poor Minotchi. :( The frog took over the entire animation and then the screen did the checkerd pattern like it does when Morino hatches and changes forms. I restarted another at 11:37 and he hatched and went to sleep at 11:39. Sleep time for me now.... After some laughs from Ab Fab.

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