1/1/2018: Okay let's try this again shall we? I had just began writing one of these and then my word document crashed and lost my first paragraph. Happy New Year to all!!! Blog 188 marks my first blog of 2018. :) I just got home from a New Years party at a friends house. Was nice to see friends I've known for nearly 20 years, some more than that. :) It was a memorable evening and I hope for many more like it in the coming year(s).

Boy am I tired. It is 2:40AM and I am just getting my blog pages organized for 2018. I don't think I will be awake for much longer but I am glad to have the ball rolling for when I get up tomorrow. I just hatched a Tamagotchi in celebration of the New Year but immediately paused it because I am too tired.... Hehehe.... Okay I am ready for tomorrow morning ... err .. afternoon when I wake up.

And now I am awake. I have Tonmarutchi on my beige P2 that I hatched in the wee hours of the morning, and I also have a purple/blue P1 that I just set the time on. What better way to begin the New Year than with two original Tamas.

While you might be wondering about my two Ginjirotchi who were getting well up in age, they did indeed pass away on December 30th at the old age of 23. They actually departed a few hours apart, my clear green one departing in the early afternoon, and the white/black following a few hours later around 5pm. I do love sweet Ginji.... He will be my fave forever on P1. :)

Right now I just have the two P2's and a P1 running: my Mimitchi Tama, and my beige/black Tamagotchi, and a purple/blue P1 that has red buttons - who is only a Babitchi at present. ;) With a max of three Tamas I hope to be caring for over the coming work week, and then I am praying my 2017 Tamas show up.  That is the reason I am only running 3 right now - I wanna have room to hatch my new ones when they arrive.

Short log tonight. I am pretty tired and spent a lot of the day being lazy due to last nights lateness. I didn't get home till after 2AM as I mentioned which is when I first started writing this blog. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I can't say I am the happiest camper, but I am going to try and make the best of it... Hopefully 2018 will be full of great things. :)

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