27/10/2017: I've been home all evening.  It feels like the first time in many many weeks (or months) that I've stayed home on Friday night. This has been of great benefit to my Tamas whom I have lots to tell of. :)  I'm watching cooking recipes on YouTube as I need to start eating more healthy.....!

As mentioned in my last blog, I got Otonoten on my US Angel Tama. He has been paused since reaching the age of 6 and I have only gotten around to unpausing him this evening.  Not much to tell there. He is not needy yet so that is good!

Two days ago I lost Pumpkin Deviltchi at the age of 15 or 16... I was sad to see him go... I am not ready to hatch another Devilgotch *just* yet but I am rearing to hatch it again soon. :) Love this Tama! Appologies for not writing more about it on this run...! I managed to get the good ending this time on Devil btw! The screen says "Good Friend" with a little creature next to it. The first two Devils I had ended in "Bad End".  More to come sooo

My exciting news for this week is about my two DigiMon's who became adults just yesterday. My gray/brown Digi had been the healthy teen, Augumon and I FINALLY managed to get Tyranomon as my adult. He ranks second best on the chart and I am just sooo happy to have him. He is such a handsome looking monster! It is the character that is displayed on the front sticker of the DigiMon packaging.  This was actually almost as exciting as seeing the whale on Ocean last year. Oh speaking of which Ocean is still alive, but I'll get to him after. My other Digi, the blue/gray one had been the unhealthy teen, and I just fed snacks to him and was sure to get no care mistakes. I ended up with Meramon on that guy as I had hoped! And I am now going to see if Meramon becomes one of the other secret characters that I have yet to get. Exciting things happening with Digi's for sure. Meramon has an 83% victories and Tyranomon has 16%. This will benefit my Meramon because a higher victory percentage will bring me a secret character. :)

It has been taking me forever to write this blog because I've been trying to focus on taking good care of Ocean. My clear purple Umino is of 3 years old this late evening and still a wee little jelly fish. Kuragetchi is always so needy, but if I manage to make it to teen-hood things should calm down a little. This is the first Ocean I have paused and my other five I NEVER paused.  Excuse me my friend Hannah is texting me.

Okay I am back. As I was saying, I really hope that my pausing Ocean is not going to determine an early death for my Tama. I really want to crack the myth that pausing kills Ocean. My methods are plain and simple: from the moment Ocean hatches I check on it's status and play games constantly. It has gotten me adults on my previous five Oceans, and I am confident it will do the same for this one. :) But not too confident. ;) I do mess up sometimes.

Sekoritchi my secret character of 17 years got sick yesterday but has remained easy to care for. Secret characters generally make it to 25 for me. If I am lucky 26! Very glad to have gotten this guy again. I actually have a picture of him that you can see right here. I am too lazy to update the pics page tonight. :P

Mimitchi has been paused and at home during my work days but we are spending time together this evening. He is staying up late with me! :) Not sure how much later I will be up after I write this...

I am constantly thinking of things that I want to do on this website. The posibilities are endless but I have to be dedicated to keeping up with the site. I definitely slacked off in my updates during 2017 so I am wanting 2018 to have a little more creativity to it in the way of my Tamas. :) If I can find a good TV series to watch whilst updating my pages, I could definitely put some good content on this webpage.

I zoned out for like ten mins playing with Ocean. I don't think he is going to be changing right now.... But maybe tomorrow I will have more time to spend with him. For now I am going to pause him and end this blog here... Off to bed in hopes of a good weekend.

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