18/3/2017: I am gonna begin this blog on the night of the 17th, Friday, but the bulk of the blog will probably be written tomorrow so that is why it is dated the 18th.

It has been a really long, mentally exhausting week for me. I knew that I would get some anxiety with being back at work this week and some days were very unpleasant. The good thing is it is Friday and I made it through my first week back! But man.... I am tired tonight. Like I am so tired I am aching... I really hope that I don't get the bad flu that has been going around.... Relatives of mine have it and it just drained them of energy for weeks. That is something I will not be able to tolerate very well... Anyways enough of my complaining. I'll tell you about my Tamas.

First things first, I got Mimitchi back this evening (the 17th). Yes yes my sweet little one returned to me just as I arrived at Sharee and Geralds place. What better way to start my weekend, right? I am so happy to see that sweet face again! I held onto him for a long time after as I hung out with my friends.  He even came on a little walk with Gerald and I!

I still have Sekitoritchi on my teal Japanese P2! He was sick today at the age of 15 but has been incredibly easy to care for. Funny story about this Tama - Last night Mom and I were over to Laura and John's to see Donald. My God child is in LOVE with any kind of robots, or Rescue Bots I think they are called.  Well Sekitoritchi very much resembles an action figure or robot of some kind and when I showed him to Donald (whom is 3 years old) he yelled "RESCUE BOTS!!!". Well he grabbed Sekitoritchi out of my hand and he carried that Tama around for about a half hour. He loved it! And thankfully eventually tired of playing with it and gave it back to me. :) Hehehe. I pretty much let nobody touch my Tamas, but Donald is very special.

Those were the only two Tamas I had going during the week - My Connections being left home on pause during the work day. I was only up to having two Tamas at work this week, coupled with the fact that I needed to focus all my efforts into getting Mimitchi back and get stuff done at work. However last night I decided I needed to hatch something else....

After dinner, I hatched my Morino Tamagotch. I hatched my other Morino this time which is yellow with orange border and green vines around the shell -- Gorgeous looking Tama! He hatched into Babymotchi and went to bed safe and sound that night. Sadly that Morino reset on me Friday morning as I was getting into the truck on my way to work. I had just put my seat belt on, and heard some very high pitched beeps. Funnily enough Tongaritchi (Mimitchi Tama) called for his final discipline at that same moment. I rushed off to work and kept that Mori on the egg screen all day until I finally had time in the afternoon to hatch it again on my lunch break. I am gonna give it another shot and see if I can raise it without it glitching out and reseting on me.

As of right now I have Imotchi with 28mg on the scale at the ripe age of 1! It's been a while since I raised Morino Tama so I will be interested to see who I can get for my adult... Maybe someone I've not had yet? ;) Such a mysterious little Tama it is.

Okay now it is the evening of the 18th, Saturday as I sit here writing this.   I am so unorganized.... Get it together Dennis... I am keeping Mimitchi, Morino and Sekitoritchi up past their bedtime tonight hehehe. We were watching some TV in the living room and now I'm in bed. I will proably not get around to posting this blog till tomorrow sometime because I am LAZZZYY.

Not quite sure how I feel about being back at work now.... I was so content with being home for six weeks... I'm very much on the fence about how I am feeling with my anxiety. My team lead and manager have been a wonderful support to me always thank God.  But there is some stuff that goes on in the office that really stresses me out sometimes.  I am hoping that will change in the near future and with any luck at all, it just might.  I want to be able to go in and focus on my work without any added stress or conflict.  I think that is why I love having Mimitchi out at work so much. :) He takes away some of the stress.

Anyways that is all I got for now.  I think I will head to bead shortly, and then tomorrow I have a lunch thing with the family for my aunts birthday! Then the usual Sunday dinner in the evening.   And thennnnn it's back to work for a full week starting Monday. We shall see how everything goes..... Until the next blog. :)

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