13/12/2015: Well today SUCKED! Hahah. Well ok it wasn't that bad, but I am sick so I spent the majority of my day home in bed. I actually paused Mimitchi for a little while this afternoon while I rested since he is so demanding at his 20 years, and I didn't want him to get neglected and leave me while I was asleep.

Bill and Zatchi are quite demanding at age 21, but not nearly as demanding as Mimitchi Tama! Speaking of which, my two secret characters got sick on me just a few minutes ago. I am not sure exactly how long they will live, but I would say they have at least another four or five days left. I am delighted to have two characters that live such a long time! Now if only I could get Mimitchi and Ginji to stick around that long! :)

As for my Angel Tama, she is still a Kuriten and quite easy to care for, but of course she is just 4 years old so that only makes sense. I have no idea what will happen from this point on. This afternoon I was out picking up some cold medication and I took my Angel out of my pocket to see her standing there among a bunch of twinkling stars. I couldn't get any of the icons on the top part of the screen to respond, but then I finally came to the little bell icon and praised her and she got really happy and then pooped immediatley after. The praise I gave her also added some bars onto the deeds meter, something I never had happen when it was a child or a teenager.... I must have missed any good deeds she did when she was younger since I was really busy at work on Friday. I really am clueless as to exactly how the Angel Tamagotchi operates, but I am going to take my time and figure it out. :) I can't wait to see what other characters there are on this adorable Tama.

On a more sad note, Takotchi died on me this evening (clear light blue) at 8:29pm. It is too bad he couldn't stay around longer....! I will miss him!

On a very amazing note, this evening I was browsing around eBay and came across a brand new pair of Osutchi & Mesutchi for just 60 bucks and free shipping! That is a really good deal considering I saw some auctions for as much as 150 dollars! I guess that is one of the benefits of being home sick is that you have time to search eBay for good deals. I got the blue/pink pair, which I always really liked the look of! I cannot wait to get these! It's too bad they never came out with an American version of Osutchi and Mesutchi like they did with the Angelgotchi. Speaking of which I will have to compare the differences between the US and Japanese Angels..... Projects projects projects.... I have six Tamas going now, and I am pretty content with figuring out Angel and DigiMon for the time being, so it could be a while before I start up Osu and Mesu when I get them. But you can be sure I will! :)

It is only 9:50pm and I feel like I have been on the go all day. I really hope this cold doesn't get too bad. I cannot afford to be sick at all right now. :( If I don't go into work tomorrow, I won't get paid for it, so I am gonna have to decide in the morning if I am sick enough that I have to stay home. But by the way I feel now.... I kinda think I will be at home tomorrow. At least my Tamas will get cared for well!

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