24/10/2015:  This morning at 10:50 A.M. Kusatchi (silver/black Tama) passed away.  He made it to 12 years old due to my pausing him fairly often each day, but his time here was still short lived.... Nonetheless it was my longest living Kusatchi.  I really do love that little guy.  He is just such a sweet heart the way he moves about his screen. I hope to get him again someday.  I ended up restarting my silver Tama again even though I didn't really want to, but I figured I would try for another unhealthy character.  It is so hard for me to neglect, but it is the only way to get different characters.  I just have to realize that no matter how well I care for them once they grow up into unhealthy ones, they never stay long.

At 1:00 P.M. Ginjirotchi (clear blue Tama) passed away. He was only 17 years old :(  I worked so hard to take good care of him and he still left.  I was really surprised that he left so early, but then I thought about it and I realized that I never paused him at all, and he was hatched at 8 in the morning.  I find that depending on what time of day a Tama is hatched is a good indicator of whether or not they will stay longer or not.  Since he was hatched at such an early hour of the day, he ended up leaving a day early. :( Oh well.... I love Ginji so much. I am glad I have two others or this might have been a bad one....

I am looking at my list of Tamas, and I see that Ginjirotchi on my clear blue Tama was the first one to be hatched in the group of ten.  And in the following couple of days is when the majority of the rest were hatched.  This is surely going to be a bad week for Tamas leaving me.... I may pause some of them so they don't leave me as soon.  But the end is inevitable at this point in time.  They are all so demanding.  I have always found it hard when a Tama leaves, but I thought I would be relieved when this large group began to depart..... Quite the opposite really.  I know I am going to miss this group.  They have been so sweet and well behaved.

We watched lots more Gilmore Girls today.  I paused half my Tamas because I am just so afraid that they are all going to leave. :( I kept Mimitchi, Ginjirotchi and one of the Masukutchi awake while watching a few episodes.  Season five is so good.... Everything is changing. :)

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